One Shot!
Can you believe it’s Fall already, this past year has just flown by. It’s amazing to me how precious our time is, every second counts, every single one. Have we ever been blessed with an amazing opportunity here as a human, I’m thankful for my mind and body everyday! We are given the chance to shine, to live… create your own heaven on earth!! I write this today because sometimes I forget this, sometimes I get lost in the busyness of my world and I forget to take a step back and really see this bigger picture. It makes me smile and feel excited about what’s up the road in my life.
Let’s set some goals today, everyday is a good day too. Grab a piece of paper, or really anything you can write on and write one or all of your goals down, it’s up to you.
Ok, there, now it’s written down and you physically put it out into the world, it’s not just in your thoguhts. Try to do that every day or as much as you can in the week, month even year. Maybe on a bar napkin or chicken scratch on the news paper but WRITE IT! Then you will see it, read it and make it real.
Goals are so important to set. Short or long goals, it’s good to have them on the go. I feel some goals just always stay with you, it’s like a never ending goal. Like “Ok, I want to set a goal to never talk bad about someone”.. lol I have been saying that in my head and writting it on random places since I was a kid and had my first blow out with friends in grade school. Oh shit, you can’t talk crap about someone, it will ALWAYS get back. Haha, so I learn fast and to this day still think about that.
OK so if you want to share a goal with us, then write it on our Facebook Page then it’s really out there for everyone to read so you HAVE to do it!! ha 😛